The greatest whole number is 89,999
The greatest real number is 89999.9 recurring (= 90,000)
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
The number that matches your criteria is... 998949
Assuming the number is written to its greatest precision, it will be half of the place of the last digit. Since the 9 is in the tenths place, the greatest possible error is ±0.5*a tenth = ±0.05 metres.
The greatest odd number in THE tens place is 9.
In the number 365217, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0. The hundred thousand place is the fifth digit from the right in a six-digit number. In this case, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0, as the number starts with 3 and does not have a digit in the hundred thousand place.
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
The number that matches your criteria is... 998949
It is 87654.
Assuming the number is written to its greatest precision, it will be half of the place of the last digit. Since the 9 is in the tenths place, the greatest possible error is ±0.5*a tenth = ±0.05 metres.
The greatest odd number in THE tens place is 9.
In the number 365217, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0. The hundred thousand place is the fifth digit from the right in a six-digit number. In this case, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0, as the number starts with 3 and does not have a digit in the hundred thousand place.
To the nearest thousand = 4000
number o ten's place at thousand's place at lakh's place in the number 12 34 567
In the number 3,400 the greatest place would be the 3. And in 800, the greatest place would be the 8. Basically it is the highest value in a number.
The digit in the thousand place in the number 824167 is 4.