

What the root of environment?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What the root of environment?
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Does the word environment contain from the same root that means light as in light from the sun?

No, the word "environment" does not come from the same root as the word for light from the sun. "Environment" is derived from the Middle French word "environner," which means "to surround," while the word for light comes from Old English.

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Some cuttings require a closed environment to encourage them to root.

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"Temp" is an abbreviation for "temperature." The term "root temp" could refer to the basic or initial temperature of a system or environment from which changes are measured or compared.

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"environment" comes from French "environnement", which is based on the same root as "environ" meaning "whereabout", "around", "surroundings."

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When you cut the onion root and place it in water, the root cannot continue to grow because it has been severed from the plant's vascular system which carries nutrients and water to the root for growth. Without this connection, the root lacks the necessary resources to regrow.

How do you sign on as a superuser on Ubuntu Linux?

Although it is highly not recommended that you use the "su" option, as inexperienced users can possibly cause permanent damage to the system, you can sign on as a superuser by typing "sudo su" in the Terminal and entering your admin password.As an alternative, use "sudo " instead.Answer:If you absolutely must do this (which is unlikely), you may also need the superuser (root) environment in which case you would use the "su -" command. Invoked this way, the "su -" command will also import root's environment from /root. Please heed the author above though, if you aren't completely sure about what you're doing, you may easily completely hose up your system when su'd to root, with or without root's environment.

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Tap root being deep rooted can get water from the depth of the soil during long priods of drought

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