A Grade 5 Crass would be a very rare shotgun. Value could hit $3000 in top condition. Best get a hands-on appraisal by someone knowledgable in the older Ithacas. sales@countrygunsmith.net
According to a table in "Ithaca Gun Company from the Beginning" it was made in 1901.
Many things determine the value of your gun. Serial #48736 falls in the serial numbers 46628-61609 which states that your gun was made in 1901. I have read somewhere that 16ga. are worth quite a bit more than the rest of the gauges
The coin is NOT silver. Most circulated coins are valued at $1.00-$3.00. The 1901 Liberty Head nickel is not rare or scarce.
1901 - 1837 = 64
1n 1901 1n 1901
Knows as the 'Crass Model' after designer Frederick Crass. The Crass Model was only made from 1888 to 1901. Yours would be c.1895. Need to know which grade. Remove the barrel set and look on the water table. These guns were marked with the gauge and the grade from 1 to 7 (and 1P). Depending on grade and condition, $200 to $1000. sales@countrygunsmith.net
Book value ranges from $280 for a 10% condition gun to $1,000 for one in 100% condition. By the way, are you sure it is a Lewis? All of the 1903 production I have seen are Crass variations. Additinal Answer - According to the table in "Ithaca Gun Company...", the Lewis and NIG were both made in 1903. 1901 was the last year for the Crass.
In good original condition, 500-1000 dollars.
The 1901 Morgan with no mintmark is worth more than the one with the "O" mintmark, but the difference depends on the condition (grade) of the coins. A 1901-O Morgan in the grade of EF-40 has an average value of $29.00 A 1901 Philadelphia (no mintmark) Morgan in the same grade is $105.00.
The serial number makes this a Crass model, named after the designer, Fredrick Crass. It was manufactured between 1888 and 1901 and was offered in quality level 1 through quality 7. Guns above quality level 4 are rarely encountered and should be professionally appraised. The quality mark is usually on the left side corner of the water table on the frame. The present value will depend considerably on the condition with the ranges going from $100 to 800 for a quality level 1 to $100 to 2000 for a quality level 4 this for a condition ranging from poor to excellent.
According to a table in "Ithaca Gun Company from the Beginning" it was made in 1901.
Bullion value as of today is $545.00 retail prices are $600.00 to $750.00 depending on grade and uncirculated coins starting at $800.00
Value is greatly depended upon condition not stated and firearm configuration also not stated IE brl leng, type of forearm, type of stock, ejcectors or extractors, and finnally grade of shotgun (grades 1-7). Serial number stated suggests that it is a Lewis model made in 1901.
Most are valued at $2 to $42 depending upon the condition of the coin. Some better grade coins can be valued at $18,000.
There were no 1901 dollar bills
What would the worth of a 1901 penny be?