A bag of flour a cat a medium size blowling ball.
no more than 90 pounds
albert weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces when he was born
That depends on where you weigh 142 pounds.-- If you weigh 142 pounds on Earth, then your mass is 64.4 kilograms. (rounded)-- If you weigh 142 pounds on the Moon, then your mass is 389.2 kilograms. (rounded)-- If you weigh 142 pounds on Mars, then your mass is 169 kilograms. (rounded)-- If you weigh 142 pounds on Jupiter, then your mass is 24.4 kilograms. (rounded)...etc.
210 pounds = 95.25 kilograms.
things that weigh 450 pounds
Actually you would weigh 7 pounds on the moon
Babies usually weigh around 7 pounds. Weight of baby has not much to do on how much the mother gains. ex: if you gain 20 lbs the baby will weigh on the average 7 pounds. You can gain 30 pounds and the baby will prob weigh about 7 pounds.
7 pounds
Examples of things that weigh around 4 pounds include a pineapple, a quart of milk, or a small newborn baby.
You are 98 pounds. (one stone = 14 pounds)
7 pounds
Uhh...... No. Adults weigh several tons.
Well they can weigh anything but the average is about 7 pounds
A sedan car, a small horse, or a grand piano typically weigh around 3300 pounds.
I weigh 7 pounds and i am 121 years old I weight 400 pounds and I'm a 13 year old, female.
7 pounds is 3.2kg