Pi, the numerical constant, shows up in all kinds of places you might not necessarily expect.
That said, the question doesn't really make a lot of sense.
Any mathematician will use the number pi (and its symbol) sooner or later - it is a number used extensively in many different areas of mathematics.
No, pi is a ratio, often simplified as 22/7, used to calculate areas of circles, etc.So, the area of a circle is pi times r2, where r = the radius of the circle.
the double helix is DNA revolves around pi. pi is in the rainbow, the pupil in the eye and when a raindrop falls into water pi emerges in the spreading rings. it appears in colours and music. its also used in probability and statistics. clock designers use pi when designing pendulums for clocks. aircraft designers use it to calculate areas of the skin of the aircraft. pi is used for navigation such as global positioning (GPS)
pi over three is 60 degrees.
In a lot of different places! Obviously in geometry. It occurs in the formulas for the circumference and area of a circle, and for the surface area and volume of spheres, cylinders and cones. In mechanics, the formulas for moments of intertia of spheres, cylinders, and so on, involve pi. Pi also occurs in trigonometry, and is involved in the definition of radian measure (2 pi radians = 360 degrees). Radian measure is used when trigonometric functions are combined with calculus, and that combination has connections with many parts of physics and engineering. For instance, Fourier series arise from the combination of trigonometry and calculus. Fourier used them to solve problems connected with the distribution of heat in physics. Now they are used in all sorts of places, including acoustics, image analysis, and engineering problems like analysing the behaviour of the digital-to-analogue converters used in CD players and portable audio devices. The formulas for Fourier series involve pi. There is also a connection between trigonometry and complex numbers, shown in Euler's identity e^(i pi) = -1 (where ^ means "to the power of"). Again, complex numbers are used widely in physics and engineering. Another place that pi occurs is in probability and statistics: the formula for the normal distribution, which is used all the time in probability and statistics, involves pi. There is more ... In summary, if you look at almost any technical field that has some mathematics at its base, you will find pi.
'pi' was NOT invented. It was DISCOVERED. Going back to ancient history ; the Sumerian Civilisation ; it was found that the diamter of a circle was always directly related to the circumference. This relationship was found to be 3.141592..... Later , in the Classical Greek Civilisation , 'pi' was applied. 'pi' is the small case letter 'p' from the Classical Greek alphabet. It refers to constant of PROPORTION of circles. Today we have the two equations' C = pi d & A = pi r^(2) pi is an IRRATIONAL number, which means the decimals go to infinity, AND the decimal digits are not in any regular order. Supa=Dupa computers have calculated 'pi' to 50 billion places and still going!!!!! In school, you are probably given pi = 3.14 or 3.1416 or 22/7 , but these are only approximations.
Any mathematician will use the number pi (and its symbol) sooner or later - it is a number used extensively in many different areas of mathematics.
pi has no ending number so the mathematician used the three first number which is 3.14 to present for pi but it is not = 3.14, it is approximately (~ 3.14)
No, pi is a ratio, often simplified as 22/7, used to calculate areas of circles, etc.So, the area of a circle is pi times r2, where r = the radius of the circle.
pi key on a TELEPHONE? I know of the pi on a calculator... but have never heard of a phone sporting this function. pi on a calculator is used to calculate areas of circles and many other mathematical equations. Pi goes on forever but the first few digits are 3.14159
the double helix is DNA revolves around pi. pi is in the rainbow, the pupil in the eye and when a raindrop falls into water pi emerges in the spreading rings. it appears in colours and music. its also used in probability and statistics. clock designers use pi when designing pendulums for clocks. aircraft designers use it to calculate areas of the skin of the aircraft. pi is used for navigation such as global positioning (GPS)
pi over three is 60 degrees.
For almost all mathmatics and physics uses, pi is writen as 3.1417. But it is actually an irrational number, and has no perfect answer.
Pi is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. In college mathematics, pi is used in geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and other disciplines to solve problems involving circles, spheres, and curves. It is also important in physics, engineering, and other sciences for calculations involving circles and waves.
A geometric composition of three adjoined, circle-squaring right triangles where hypotenuse is that circle's diameter. Long side of each right triangle has length equal to a side of that circle's square. "Three Pi" of "Three Pi Vise" refers to the three adjoined right triangles, defined by increments of Pi; "Vise" refers to the symbolic Pi Corral (re: "transcendental" Pi) of this composition. Length of adjoined diameters (hypotenuse) = 2.0, sqrt(Pi), Pi/2, Pi(sqrt(Pi)/4) Integrated by constant: 1.1283791670955125738961589031215.. = 2(sqrt(1/Pi)) = 2.0/sqrt(Pi) = sqrt(Pi)/(Pi/2) = (Pi/2)/(Pi(sqrt(Pi)/4)) Second range: 2.0/(Pi/2) = sqrt(Pi)/(Pi(sqrt(Pi)/4)) = 1.1283791670955125738961589031215..^2 Third range: 2.0/(Pi(sqrt(Pi)/4)) = 1.1283791670955125738961589031215..^3 The Pi-derived constants (line length ratios): 2/sqrt(Pi) = 1.1283791670955125738961589031215.. = sqrt(Pi)/(Pi/2) sqrt(Pi)/sqrt(4-Pi) = 1.9130583802711007947403078280203.. "iPhi"
Yes, many people know what it represents; pi is the Greek symbol for the "circular constant", the ratio between the circumference and the diameter, which can be used to find the perimeters, areas, volumes and surface areas of many shapes given one or two particular measurements.
In a lot of different places! Obviously in geometry. It occurs in the formulas for the circumference and area of a circle, and for the surface area and volume of spheres, cylinders and cones. In mechanics, the formulas for moments of intertia of spheres, cylinders, and so on, involve pi. Pi also occurs in trigonometry, and is involved in the definition of radian measure (2 pi radians = 360 degrees). Radian measure is used when trigonometric functions are combined with calculus, and that combination has connections with many parts of physics and engineering. For instance, Fourier series arise from the combination of trigonometry and calculus. Fourier used them to solve problems connected with the distribution of heat in physics. Now they are used in all sorts of places, including acoustics, image analysis, and engineering problems like analysing the behaviour of the digital-to-analogue converters used in CD players and portable audio devices. The formulas for Fourier series involve pi. There is also a connection between trigonometry and complex numbers, shown in Euler's identity e^(i pi) = -1 (where ^ means "to the power of"). Again, complex numbers are used widely in physics and engineering. Another place that pi occurs is in probability and statistics: the formula for the normal distribution, which is used all the time in probability and statistics, involves pi. There is more ... In summary, if you look at almost any technical field that has some mathematics at its base, you will find pi.