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Q: What three classes are arthropads divided into?
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three.. :) ..

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The Volk can be divided into three main groups, "a supporting, a leading and a creative class."

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When the Aryans first entered India, they were divided in three social classes, the warriors, the priests and the common people.

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Land owners, free people who did not own land, and slaves

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The early Romans were divided into two classes because of their wealth, just as people today are divided into groups or classes due to wealth.

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Organisms that are divided into classes are called classifying organisms or classified organisms.

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Hallucinogens are typically divided into three classes: psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants. Note that some substances are difficult to classify and may be included in more than one class.

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The social classes in China were divided by economic status. The classes were rulers, nobles, farmers, traders, craftspeople, and slaves.