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abused as a child, a person who is a giver instead of a taker, and definately a person who doesnt no how to say no and mean it

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Q: What three factors make individuals more vulnerable to abuse than others?
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What factor may make an individual more vulnerable to abuse relates to than other?

describe three factors tha may make a individuals more vulnerable to abuse others

Describe three factors that may make individuals more vulnerable to abuse than others?

factors may include if the individual has a mental disability such as dementia or not having mental capacity. If the individual is secluded or isolated or are vulnerable. There could also be factors for the abuser which could include the abuser having lack of training, also abusing their power. sometimes personal issues have a part to play which could include the carer/abuser being stressed or having a history of abuse and continuing the cycle

What factors may lead to danger and harm and abuse?

self-harmer/neglect alcohol and drugs abuse vulnerable group

Why are the elderly more vulnerable to abuse than others?

Elderly individuals may be more vulnerable to abuse due to physical or cognitive impairments that make them dependent on caregivers, social isolation which limits opportunities for intervention, and ageism that may devalue their worth and rights. Additionally, lack of awareness, shame, or fear of repercussions can make reporting abuse more difficult for older adults.

Why are some children more vulnerable to abuse than others?

Some children may be more vulnerable to abuse due to factors such as living in a dysfunctional family environment, lacking a strong support system, having caregivers with substance abuse issues or mental health problems, or being isolated from services and resources. Additionally, children who are perceived as different or "difficult" by their caregivers may be at higher risk of experiencing abuse.

Why are some individuals more vulnerable to abuse?

Individuals who are vulnerable to abuse may have experienced past trauma, have low self-esteem, lack strong support systems, or be financially dependent on the abuser. Additionally, factors like age, disability, or mental health issues can contribute to vulnerability. Cultural norms and societal power dynamics can also play a role in increasing vulnerability to abuse.

What does it mean protection of vulnerable adults?

Protection of vulnerable adults refers to safeguarding individuals who may be at risk of harm or abuse due to factors such as age, disability, or dependency. This involves preventing and responding to abusive or neglectful situations, ensuring their well-being, rights, and dignity are respected and promoting their autonomy and safety.

What factors may lead to abuse?

four reasons why some individuals may be more likely to be abuse

How does one care for someone that is vulnerable?

To care for someone that is vulnerable, one must provide them with a great amount of comfort. One must make sure to not abuse a vulnerable person, and abuse can range from neglect all the way to actual physical abuse.

What does protecting individuals for abuse mean?

Protecting individuals from abuse means you protect someone from being physically abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused or sexually abused. These forms of abuse are more vulnerable towards children. A social workers job is to stop children from being abused in any kind of way and protect them from coming into contact with that person that is abusing them.

Analyze Why individuals with disabilities may be at risk of different types of abuse exploitation and harm in different areas of their lives?

Individuals with disabilities may be at risk of abuse, exploitation, and harm due to factors such as dependency on others for care, communication barriers that make it difficult to report abuse, discrimination and stigma that may lead to being seen as easy targets, and lack of access to resources and support services. In areas of their lives such as healthcare, residential facilities, and personal relationships, individuals with disabilities may face increased vulnerability to different types of abuse and exploitation.

How is Promoting individuals from abuse in health and socail care?

promoting individuals from abuse