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Q: What three numbers give the same solution when multiplied together and added togather?
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Two or more numbers that are multiplied together are called?

Two or more numbers that are multiplied together are called factors. The solution to a multiplication problem is called a product.

What is two or more numbers multiplied together?

The answer to two or more numbers multiplied together is called a product.

What to numbers are multiplied together?

any 2 numbers can be multiplied together. eg. 2x1 is 2. 5x91000 is 455000

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What two numbers multiplied together equal 2001

What are the numbers in a multiplication sentence to be multiplied together?

The numbers being mutiplied together is a "factor."

Numbers that are multiplied together are called?


What is it called when numbers are multiplied together?

a product

What are the numbers that are multiplied together called?


Multiplying negative numbers?

any two negative numbers multiplied together equals a positive number. any two positives numbers multiplied together equal positive numbers and any negative and positive numbers multiplied together equals a negative.negative, negative = positivenegative, positive = negativepositive, positive = positive

What two numbers added together equal -1 then multiplied equal 2?

Two numbers added together equals - 1: x + y = -1The same two numbers multiplied equals 2: xy = 2If there was a solution, both numbers would have to be negative to satisfy the two conditions at the same time: y < 0, x < 0After spending some time calculating, I recon there is no solution to this equation system that satisfy the two conditions simultaneously.1) x+y = -12) xy = 2Answer: The question is missing a solution. No solution is possible.

Give Two numbers which when added together produce the same answer as when they are multiplied together?

The only integer solution to this question is 2 and 2 which give 4 when they are added together or multiplied together. If you do not limit yourself to integers, then any pair of numbers, x and x/(x-1) will fit the bill where x not = 1. Their sum and product are x^2 / (x-1).

What two numbers multiplied together equal 76?

I think 1 x 76 = 76 are the only two numbers that form 76 when multiplied together.