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Q: What three parts of the health triangle need to be?
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In order to maintain wellness the parts of the health triangle always need to be?


In order to maintain wellness, the parts of the health triangle always need to be _____ and?

(Apex) Working together and in balance.

In order to maintain wellness the parts of the health triangle always need to be and . Select two responses?

In balance and working together

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What are the conditions required for the existence of triangle?

to construct a triangle, we need 3 parts / elements out of which one should be a side

Is a triangle a Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Right Angle?

A triangle is not an angle. A triangle is made of three angles. -- All three of them can be acute, but they don't need to be. -- One of them can be obtuse but doesn't need to be. -- One of them can be a right angle but doesn't need to be. -- If any angle in the triangle is right or obtuse, then the other two need to be acute.

In order to maintain wellness the part of the health triangle always need to be?


What are three points of a fire triangle?

The three points in the fire triangle are fuel, heat and oxygen. To stop a fire you need to take one of those elements away from the triangle :)

Is a isoceles triangle an equilateral triangle?

If it were, there would be no need to have two different names for it. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal.

What is the firefighter's triangle?

if you are referring the fire triangle it is oxygen, heat, fuel. in order to have fire you need all three of these things.

How can you find the perimeter of isosceles triangle?

The answer depends on what information you have but, basically, you need to add together the lengths of the three sides of the triangle.

Do isosceles triangle have to sides the same length?

Only two of the three sides need to be the same size in an isosceles triangle.