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Q: What three points does O'Brien make when questioning bobo?
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Scientists have learned that Jupiter is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. They have also discovered its intense magnetic field, which is the strongest in our solar system. Additionally, Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a massive storm that has been raging for centuries.

What is the long lasting effect of the British empire?

The dominance of the English language. This is not only the case in terms of the number of English-speakers in non-British countries, but also in the amount of attention paid in non-British countries to the products of English-speaking cultures, though this has now become mingled with the importance of specifically American culture.

Who were three major league baseball players of the 1950s?

Bobo Holloman, Ferris Fain and Bob Borkowski.

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When was The Bobo created?

The Bobo was created in 1967.

What does 'pick a bobo' mean?

A Bobo is deserving victim of a practical joke. The Bobo phenomena started when I dialed a wrong number in New York City in 2001 and reached a rude person with a strong accent on his cell who told me I cost him $.75 and called me an 'Bobo' before hanging up. AS a result, a growing community of people began calling this person and asking for 'Bobo'. The calls usually went like this: - "Is Bobo there?" - "NO, THERE IS NO BOBO HERE. STOP CALLING FOR BOBO!" - "So, you are not Bobo? Where is Bobo?"" _"NO! I TOLD YOU THERE IS NO BOBO SO STOP CALLING THIS NUMBER AND TALKING ABOUT BOBO! THERE IS NO BOBO HERE!!" - "Bobo?" CLICK!

What is the duration of Mondo Bobo?

The duration of The Bobo is 1.72 hours.

What does bobo sipeo mean in English?

"Bobo sipeo" in English means "I want to rest."

What is cayne brights middle name?

bobo bobo

How many volumes are in bobobo-bobo-bobo?