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Q: What three sentences could you write that describes how a nomadic hunter-gather might react to seeing Çatalhüyük for the first time?
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What are ways in which Moses is not like Jesus?

We have no record suggesting that Jesus had a speech impediment, as did Moses.Jesus was not the leader of thousands of people on nomadic journeys.

What is the word movement from one place to place?

Depends on the context. In mathematics it would be translation. In sociology or ethnology, migration or nomadic. In employment, peripatetic.

How large was a family nomadic group during the time of Abraham?

During the time of Abraham in the Bible, when part of the family moved, the entire family moved. There would probably be at least 7 or more people in one family group.

What is the significance of paleolithic?

It was the first stone age, in which they learned to make and use stone tools. The people in this stone age were called the "Hunter Gatherers," because they were always hunting and gathering. Because of this, they were nomadic. One of the most important things that happened in the Paleolithic age was the discovery of taming fire. This made it possible to live through the Ice Age.

Where are nomads mentioned in the Old Testament?

While the word "nomad" is not used in the bible, the life style was very common. A nomad is one who goes from place to place in search of food, work, or in the case of shepherds, grazing land. Jubal was "the father of such as dwell in tents" (Gen 4:20). When Abraham was called out of the city of Ur, he then (most likely) took up the life of a nomad. Afterwards, all of the patriarchs were "dwellers in tents" (Gen 9:21,27; 12:8; 13:12; 26:17). The life of a shepherd often required a nomadic lifestyle. These are mentioned throughout the bible, so it is difficult to give them all. Even God's "dwelling" was a tent while Israel wandered in the wilderness and up to the time that Solomon built the temple (1 Chronicles 17:5). If you have a specific situation in mind, perhaps you can add it on to the question.