A polygon is a shape with 3 or more sides
A three sided polygon (aka triangle) with one of it's angles being 90 degrees.
describe the character;information of polygons
A regular polygon with three sides - is an equilateral triangle.
people places and things
What polygon? Your asking "what are two names to describe a polygon" but haven't given a polygon...
an parallelogram :) plane figure, any polygon
well, three words to describe him are
Norwegian polar explorer are three words that succinctly describe Roald Amundsen.
Three words to describe thermal energy are:EnergyHeatTemperature
three words to describe a peninsula are:1. land 2. surrounded by water 3. three sides
you can describe it by its angles, or sides
When I was taking a test in math, I had to describe a polygon.
A polygon is a shape with 3 or more sides
A three sided polygon (aka triangle) with one of it's angles being 90 degrees.
A polygon can have any number of sides above three. The name of a three-sided polygon is a triangle.
A concave polygon.