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The answer obviously depends on which 8 hours you work!

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Q: What time in an eight hour day is lunch taken?
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Can you say no lunch was taken?

You can, but it is not idiomatic English. If you mean that people worked straight through their lunch time, use No one took lunch

If you took an hour lunch break during a 10 hour day trip driving 65 miles per hour how many miles did you cover?

The lunch break is during the 10-hour trip, so subtract the time taken during the lunch break. 10 - 1 = 9. The average speed is 65 miles per hour, so it is 65 x 9 = 585 miles.

Are you entitled to a lunch break if you worked an eight hour shift and is paid eight hour?

I'm not sure about legalities, but it is standard occupational practices to offer a 30 minute or 1 hour paid lunch break to full-time employees working 8 hour shifts. Part-time employees often get unpaid breaks, but they are still offered at least 30 minutes during an 8-hour shift. In addition, many employers volunteer additional 15-minute breaks depending on the type of work. --- Around about 8 or 9 pounds ?

Can you say lunch was taken?

You can, but it is not idiomatic English. If you mean that people worked straight through their lunch time, use No one took lunch

How much time do you get for lunch in new york state?

one hour

What time does the games workshop open after lunch?

after lunch well lunch is for half an hour so at the momant im not even sure what time lunch starts but it finnish's 30 mins later okay hope this helped you xxx

What time period would be best for a board game?

4th hour, thats lunch time.

If you work part time and you go in at 1pm What time are you supposed to get off?

when the boss says your fired if your paid to work work the whole time your there not just part of the time Usually an eight hour shift will include time for lunch and two breaks. Depending on whether your lunch is a half hour or a whole hour, you could expect to be done at 9 or 9:30. Part time would refer to the number of hours you put in during a week, so the number of hours each day would vary. Most will put out a schedule of your hours to be there every week.

What time do schools in England have break lunch?

We have break at 10:35 which lasts for half an hour and we have lunch at 12:45, which also lasts for half an hour. But other schools are different, we don't all fit under one time.

How much time do Americans spend eating in a day?

Americans spend approximately half an hour in the morning for breakfast, one hour for lunch an one hour in the night for dinner.

How much time do French kids get for lunch break in France?

It is usual for students to have at least an hour for their lunch break. In fact most schools have a break one hour and a half, or 1H45, allowing pupils living nearby to commute home, take their lunch, and come back for the afternoon. Schoolchildren can also take their lunch at the school canteen.

How much time do kids spend in school in Italy?

elementary- 8:30 to 4:30, but they have hour for lunch