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Seriously? look in your book or something... 60mins in 1 hr = 7 o'clock - 25min = >>6:35<<

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Q: What time is it if it is twenty five minutes to seven?
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It's seven twenty-five in the evening. Literally- They are the seven and twenty-five of the night.

What time is it if it's twenty minutes to seven?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! If it's twenty minutes to seven, then it's almost time for the clock to strike seven o'clock. So, it's about 6:40, and you have a few more minutes to enjoy before the hour changes. Just enough time to appreciate the beauty around you and maybe even paint a little landscape scene.

What time is 20 minutes of?

When someone says it's "twenty of", he/she means it is twenty minutes before an implied hour. For example, twenty of six is 5:40, twenty of seven is 6:40, twenty of eight is 7:40, etc.

What time is it fifty minutes after seven forty five?


How many long to change a powersteering hose?

The first time, three hours; the second time, twenty five minutes.

What is an average time for a jv crosscountry runner who is 15 and female and is 130lbs?

It is at least twenty-five minutes.

What does 20 minitues to 7 means in time?

Twenty minutes to seven is already a time. The same time expressed in another way: 6.40am

What time is twenty to five?

'Twenty to five' . Means 'twenty minutes before five o'clock'. Or ' Forty minutes past four o'clock'. On the analogue clock the minute ( large) finger will be pointing at '8' or 'VIII'. The hour (smaller) finger will be pointing between four and five. On the digital clock it will be '0440' (morning) or '1640' (afternoon). NB The phrase 'o'clock' is an historical corruption for 'of the clock'.

How many minutes from Five past six to a quarter to seven?

Well, honey, let's do the math. From five past six to a quarter to seven, that's 50 minutes. Five minutes past the hour plus 45 minutes until a quarter to the next hour equals 50 minutes. So, make sure you set your timer right if you wanna be on time!

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Seven million years ago, at twenty-three minutes after ten.

How many times can you subtract the number five from twenty five?

5 times 1 time, when you take five from twenty five it becomes twenty.