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Q: What time is it if the short hand is on 1 and you long hand is on 3 on a clock?
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What does the short hand on the clock show?

Insert the following time in the clocks below 15:45

When is long hand quicker then a short hand?

All the time the long hand is the minute hand, the short hand is the hour hand, and the red thin hand is the seconds hand.

Is the little hand the hour hand on a clock?

No. The little hand is the minute hand. The big hand is the hour hand. The long hand is not the big hand, it is the little hand. The short hand is not the little hand, it is the big hand. Grab a dictionary and research the meaning of big, little, short, and long. The shorter hand is the "BIG" hand because it identifies the larger unit of time < hour >. The longer hand it the "LITTLE" hand because it identifies the smaller unit of time <minute>. If you have missed this part of the concept of measuring time then you have been listeniing to a misinformed moron who just taught school for the paycheck and did not understand what they were doing.

Does the Pentecostal Religion preclude you from using an electronic hand time clock?

No it does not preclude you from using an electronic hand time clock.

What are the ratings and certificates for Hand Time Clock - 2007 V?

Hand Time Clock - 2007 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:G

What time is it on a clock when the big hand is facing the 11 and the little hand faces the 4?

On a clock when the big hand is facing the 11 and the little hand faces the 4, the time is 3:55.

What time is it on a clock when the big hand is facing the 12 and the little hand faces the 5?

5 o' clock

Why is there a little hand and a big hand on the clock?

So that you can tell the time a bit more accurately. Long ago clocks just had one hand and you could tell the time roughly to the hour. Now we can tell the time to the minute.

What is the time period of the minute hand on a clock?

The time period of a nimute hand on the clock is one minute since it takes a minute for it to complete one oscillation, ie., one complete cycle of the clock.

How do you tell the time on an analog clock?

The short hand indicates the hours, the long hand indicates the minutes. Some clocks also have a seconds hand, which is often a different color, but is easy to tell which one it is because it obviously moves faster. The hour is easy to ready, as it's basically "whatever the short hand points at" The minutes takes some getting used to, but it helps to break the clock down into quarters. The important numbers for the minutes had are 12, 3, 6, and 9. When the minute hand as at 12, that's :00, at 3 it's :15, and 6 it's :30, and at 9 it's :45. As long as you remember those you can at least vaguely tell what time it is. So if the hands are in an L shape, with the short hand pointing to 3 and the long hand pointed to 12, then it's 3:00. As for "How do you tell the difference between 4:46 and 4:47"? Well, that's why nobody uses analog clocks anymore.

Where did o 'clock for the time of the day come from?

O'clock is a contraction of 'of the clock' so it is a short way to say the time is three of the clock or whatever time being refered to.

What is 1254 in analogue time?

It is when the big hand on a clock face is at 54 and the little hand is a tiny bit short of 1 (27 degrees instead of 30 degrees).