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Q: What time is it when its been half of a day?
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How do you know if kohl's paid you time and a half for presidents day?

Look at your pay stub and if you earned half again as much as you normally would for the hours you worked that day, then yes they paid you time and a half.

Can you still use Half and Half that has not been refrigerated all day?

Probably, but...When in doubt, throw it out!

Does your employer have to pay time and a half on presidents day?


What does time represent in the bible?

A year as in A times,time,and half a time three and a half years, or 1260days ie I give you a day for a year.

What is part time?

for example, in a job you can either work full time, every day of the week all day, or part time, when you work half the day every day.

What holidays does market basket pay time and a half?

They pay time and half on Sundays not sure about Martin Luther King Day but I'm about to find out

Is it day all over the world at the sam time?

no stupid one half is dark one half is light

Why do you a day and night?

Because the earth rotates (spins). Half the time you are facing the sun (light/day). The other half you are on the side away from the sun (dark/night).

Why do you have a day and night?

Because the earth rotates (spins). Half the time you are facing the sun (light/day). The other half you are on the side away from the sun (dark/night).

What is the time called between dusk and dawn?

Twilight is the half-light in the evening between day and night. Dawn is the half-light in the morning between night and day.

Why do all countries not experience day at the same time?

The sun can shine on only half of the world at a time.

At what time of the day should your headlight be turned on?

* half an hour before sunrise * half an hour after sunset