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Q: What time of hour is the 6th day?
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What day to turn the clock back in 2011?

In 2011, Daylight Saving Time ended on Sunday, November 6th, so that is the day when you would have turned the clock back by one hour.

What is the 22 hour of the day?

The 22th hour of the day is 10PM. It is also called Continental Time or Military Time.

How is 1 by 6th of a day in seconds?

1/6th of a day = 4 hours. 1 hour = 3600 seconds. 4 hours = 14,400 seconds

When its day light saving time does it subtract 1 hour from day or add 1 hour for day?


If the big hand is on the 50 and small hand is on the 30 what time is it?

50 is 10 minutes before the hour while 30 is the 6th hour. Thus it represents 10 minutes to 6, or 5:50 (am or pm). However, the hour hand cannot be on the 6th hour if the minute hand is on the 50th minute. The hour hand would have to be exactly 5/6ths of the distance between the 5th and 6th hour at 5:50. If it were on the 6th hour at 5:50, by the the time the minute hand reached the hour, the hour hand will have travelled a further 1/6th of the distance between 6 and 7. So the correct answer is that it's time to get a new clock. The hands are out of alignment.

What is the hidden meaning of hour?

The twenty-fourth part of a day; sixty minutes., The time of the day, as expressed in hours and minutes, and indicated by a timepiece; as, what is the hour? At what hour shall we meet?, Fixed or appointed time; conjuncture; a particular time or occasion; as, the hour of greatest peril; the man for the hour., Certain prayers to be repeated at stated times of the day, as matins and vespers., A measure of distance traveled.

How do you write 615pm as a fraction of an hour?

615 is a time of day: it is not, and cannot be expressed, as a fraction of an hour.

How many times is it the same time in a day?

You can never have the same time in a day, e.g. 12pm and then in the same day 12pm.

How time zones in a day?

There are 24 times zones in a day, one for each hour.

How many hour a day full time?

full time work 8 hours a day 5 days a week

Does Justin Bieber waste time?

he does waste time because he day dreams and he day dreams for about 30 minuts to an hour

Do you sleep an extra hour during day light saving time?

only on the first day