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late afternoon (sunset)

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Q: What time of the day cast a long shadow pointing east?
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Related questions

Why do shadow lengths change?

Because of the movement of the earth and sun.

Why does shadow move during the day?

The shadow moves during the day because you are a solid, the sunlight can't get through any solid, so your body casts your shadow. and yes, the sun moves. Even if you don't move, you can still see your shadow moving. It is super long in the morning, pointing to the west, then super short in noon, to North or South, and then super long again in the afternoon, pointing to East.

What is short in the west and long in the east?

A Shadow :'D

If a 4.9ft tall baby elephant cast a 27ft long shadow then how tall is an adult giraffe that cast a 82.5ft shadow?

if a 4.9ft tall baby elephant cast a 27ft long shadow, then how tall s an adult giraffe that cast a 82.5ft shadow

A pole 15 feet high cast a shadow 5 feet long a 6 foot man standing nearby would cast a shadow?

Divisibles, the 6 foot man would cast a shadow 2 feet long.

At what time, would your shadow be long and facing the east?

When ever the sun is facing east.

When a shed 9.5 in high casts a shadow 6.2 m long how long is a shadow cast by a person 2.1 m?


How high is a tree that cast a 25 ft shadow at the same time a 9 ft post cast a shadow which is 4 ft long?

56.25 feet

How tall would a house be that casts a 18 feet long shadow?

That all depends upon what time of day the shadow was cast. For example, at straight up noon, even a very tall building wouldn't cast much of a shadow, but at sunrise or sunset, even a tiny building might cast an 18 foot long shadow, or even longer.

A tree 24 feet tall cast a shadow 16 feet long at the same time a man 6 feet tall cast a shadow x feet long what is the lenght of the mans shadow?

4 feet24/16 = 6/x24x = 96x = 4

If a tree 10 feet tall casts a shadow 5 feet long how long is the shadow cast by a pole 12 feet tall?

6 feet

A meter stick cast a shadow 1.4m long at the same time a flagpole casts a shadow 7.7m long the triangle formed by the meterstick and its shadow is tall is the flagpole?

84 feet tall