According to studies by the NHTSA, the most accidents in 2008 occured between 3pm and 9pm. However, the highest percentage of accidents (per cars on the road) occur between Midnight and 3am. For more specific information, check out
9 out of ten car accidents happen at night
In the U.S.A 6.3 million car crashes happened in snow with 40,000 deaths.We wonder how many happen this year
about 115.
Car accidents are caused by many things but the main cause of accidents are speeding drivers.Statistics show that 40% of the accidents worldwide are caused by speeding. The other reasons being distracted drivers (26%) and drunk drivers (34%)All sources are governmental prooven
Most car collisions happen within 1.2 miles (2km) of a persons home.
Most fatal car accidents happen on a Saturday.
6 pm to midnight
Friday night because get the most drunk
Most car accidents happen because people are careless. People also do things while they are driving that cause accidents, such as using cell phones, texting and eating.
Car accidents happen when two cars do something stuppid at the same time and location. If people would pay attention and not be in a hurry no accidents would accur!
Driver's side
most accidents happen at intersections, where there are a lot of cars, or where there are high speed limits.
9 out of ten car accidents happen at night
Friday the 14th. not there is no certain
Statistics and experts in the know agree that car accidents usually happen within 5 miles of home. Most drivers get into a "comfort zone" as they near their front doors, letting down their guard and letting in distractions.