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465 minutes is 7 hours 45 minutes so the time would show 9:45pm

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Q: What time will appear on a digital clock 465 minutes after it shows two o' clock PM?
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What is meant by anolog?

Analogue is a device that has changing values. For example the hands on the clock move continously and show you the exact time in hour, minutes and seconds. A digital clock however only shows you the hour and minutes. It does not show you the exact figurative time.

Does the short hand on a clock indicate the minutes?

No, it shows the hour.

How does a digital alarm clock work?

You set the time and the screen shows what time it is.. Simple

What is clock?

A clock is a device used to measure and display time. It typically shows the current time using hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds, and can come in various forms like analog, digital, or mechanical. Clocks are essential for keeping track of time in everyday life.

Which clock shows 10 minutes passed from 9 00?

9:10 it says

What is the difference between analog and digital watches?

Analog clock shows time passing by moving hands continuously. In contrast, digital clock shows the time numerically. By analog clock you can tell the time between graduations to some extent by the location of the hands because the hands move continuously. But by digital clock, you can not read other than the information shown. If it shows seconds as well, you can tell more precisely

Why clock shows 1010?

No particular reason, it's just tradition for digital watches on sale to show 10:10 in pictures.

What does the big hand and small hand on the clock mean?

The Clock has both a big hand and a small hand. The big hand is the longer one and it shows you how many minutes. The small hand is the shorter one and it shows you what hour of the day it is.

What are significances of a digital clock?

Digital clocks display a numeric representation of time. Two numeric display formats are commonly used on digital clocks:the 24-hour notation with hours ranging 00-23;the 12-hour notation with AM/PM indicator, with hours indicated as 12AM, followed by 1AM-11AM, followed by 12PM, followed by 1PM-11PM (a notation mostly used in the United States and Canada).

What can you do in a hour?

You can watch the show 60 Minutes. You can also to 3,600. You can stare at a clock or watch for 60 minutes. There are several TV shows that are only on for an hour. Good Luck!

Why are the hands of a clock set at 1010 on clocks Adds?

The fingers on a clock for sale in a shop window, when set at ten minutes past ten o'clock, shows a happy, smiling face. It was thought to encourage shoppers to buy the clock.

What is the definitioin for analog clock?

An analog clock is one with an analog display (that shows you the time by means of a flat dial marked with the hours of the day and one or more pointers (hands) that point to the time of day on that dial). A true analog clock should also have a mechanical means for keeping the time and driving the pointers.Conversely a digital display would show you the time directly as numbers which change as the time passes and a true digital clock would calculate the time using a digital/electronic mechanism (a computer).