315 / 750 is equal to 0.42
315/21 = 15, hence 15 times 21 is 315
2/315 of one time (0.0063492 rounded)
315 / 750 is equal to 0.42
21*15 is equal to 315 21 x 15 = 315
To find 7 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.07. In this instance, 0.07 x 315 = 22.05. Therefore, 7 percent of 315 is equal to 22.05.
315/4 = 78 3/4 = 78.75
No, 315 is not a prime number. It is called a composite number. A prime number is a number that is only divisible by one and itself. For example, the number 11 is a prime number since only 11 and 1 go into 11 evenly. 315 is divisible by other numbers (ex: it is divisible by 5)
Rounded to the nearest whole number, 314.69 is approximately equal to 315.
315 / 5 is equal to 63.