To find out how many times 45 goes into 270, you would divide 270 by 45. The result of this division is 6, meaning that 45 goes into 270 exactly 6 times. This can be calculated by dividing 270 by 45, which equals 6.
270 = 45 x 6 so - 45 goes into 270 with no remainder.
270 ÷ 6 = 45
45 x 6 = 270
270 ÷ 6 = 45
5 times 54 equals 270
75 divides into 270 three times with a remainder of 45. In fractions, that is 3 3/5.Long DivisionFirst, 75 goes into 270 three times. 75*3=225270-225=4575 goes into 270 three times with a remainder of 45.
304 - 34 = 270 = 45 X 66 times with 34 remaining