392 divided by 4 is equal to 98.
392 ÷ 84 = 4 with remainder 56
Exactly 49 times
7 times 56 = 392
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! To find out what times what equals 392, we can start by looking for factors of 392. One possible pair of numbers that multiply to 392 is 14 times 28. So, 14 times 28 equals 392. Remember, there are many different combinations of numbers that can multiply to 392, so feel free to explore and discover more happy little equations!
98*4 = 392
392/8 = 49
They are: 2^3 times 7^2 = 392
There are six factor pairs: 392 = 1 x 392 392 = 2 x 196 392 = 4 x 98 392 = 7 x 56 392 = 8 x 49 392 = 14 x 28