30 goes into 250 a total of 8 times. This can be calculated by dividing 250 by 30, which equals 8.333. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division when dealing with whole numbers, we round down to the nearest whole number, which is 8.
83.33 x 3 = ~250
6 times 5 equals 30. 30 times 8 equals 240.
2 times 125 = 250
30 goes into 250 a total of 8 times. This can be calculated by dividing 250 by 30, which equals 8.333. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division when dealing with whole numbers, we round down to the nearest whole number, which is 8.
250 x 8 = 2,000
83.33 x 3 = ~250
It will be the square root of 250 which is about 15.8113883
How about: 8*6*4 = 192
According to my calculations, 250 can go into 2,000 8 times
The answer to that question is 2 times a -4 equals -8