-1 * 42 = -42
1 * -42 = -42
-2 * 22 = -42
2 * -22 = -42
-3 * 14 = -42
3 * -14 = -42
There are many ways to multiply two numbers to equal -42.
However, one must be negative.
42 times 4 equals 168, but so does 2 times 84.
Hint: review your multiplication table-- does not 42 ring a bell? What times what makes 42? Is their sum 13? ?? bingo!!
How about: 2 times 42 = 84 as one example
7 goes into 42 exactly 6 times.
6 times 7 = 42
689 times 42 is 28,938.
42 because 21 times 2 is 42 and 14 times 3 is 42
6 times -7 is -42
It is: 250/21 times 42 = 500
32 times 42 equals 1,344
42 times 39 equals 1638.
1/2 times 42 = 21