Easy way to remember: MEAN M ean E quals A verage N umber
One is 3 to the 4th power
You should consult your timetable!
Seven 49 = 7 x 7
it quals (-3)
Train Without a Timetable was created on 1959-03-14.
17 x 3
4 x 13
121 x 5
205 can be factorized as 5*41.
10.25 x 8
A "timetable" for train or bus times is called a "Fahrplan",A "timetable" for aircraft is called a "Flugplan",A personal "timetable" is called a "Zeitplan".A "timetable" for school is called a "Stundenplan".
i believe it is 120 inches. What i did was i did 12x10.