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Q: What to do if the answer is not in the answer choices of a test?
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Which term best describes a test used to answer a question?

A multiple-choice test gives the test-taker multiple choices for answers to a question.

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I want you to tell me what the cost is. There is no info in the choices to give me what the answer is.

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Is 'A' the correct answer?

On a multiple choice test with answers of A, B, C, and D, the answer of 'A' would only be the correct answer if all other choices are incorrect.

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What are the choices? Protip: If you're going to copy-paste questions from your take-home test, you should include the answer choices, as well.

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Which of these is NOT a type of trafficking?

Which of what? you didn't list choices. If you are using this to answer homework or a test, may try studying and paying attention!

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Evaluate your choices before you make a decision.The doctor will evaluate the test results. She will evaluate our scores.

Least important function of proteins?

Funny cause I actually had this question on my IB biology test today. The least important function of proteins is hormones at least out of the choices on my test.

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There is no magic potion that lets you do drugs and pass a test. If you choose to do the drugs, you will have to accept the consequences of your choices.

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You don't know if your pregnant?

Well you have to take a test, no other way around it. If you don't, and you are pregnant, in the end you will run out of choices.