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Q: What to do with students who come to class without supplies?
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When CBSE result will come?

cbse result of class 10

When is 12th cbse retotaling result coming?

when 12 class retotaling result will come.

Three Math Skills Used in Science?

Thinking that you can get away from math? Think again, math is all around us. In fact, math is also used in science class. There are three math concepts that are important to learn to ensure that you are successful in any science class, especially at the secondary level. These three math concepts include the following:1.Scientific Notation:Scientific notation shows up around middle school math and subsequently in science. This means that students will get to get an extra opportunity to practice this skill to better understand how to understand their data that may be collected in science labs. Even then, it is important for students to make sure that they are making that connection between what is being learned in both math and science class.2.Measurement:While students will be exposed to a variety of measurement units in math, they will only work with a specific measurement system for science topics. For example, students will work with the SI system to work with distance and time. This is another opportunity to help students master math skills to ensure that they are fully prepared to work on concepts in science. Depending on the science topic, students may experience learning about measurement systems briefly in science and are expected to learn more about it in math class. Both the science and math teachers could collaborate and integrate lessons to reinforce the skills to help in both subjects.3.Patterns:As part of the scientific method, students are expected to observe and analyze data. In light of this, they will be expected to look for patterns. Depending on the type of data that is being observed or analyzed, it will depend on the type of patterns that students will need to be able to understand. However, in math, students are expected to look for patterns as part of their problem solving strategy. Patterns in math are plentiful and can come in handy when looking at specific sets of data regarding science experiments.Each of these math skills is very important in both classes, as well, as outside of the classroom. It is very important for teachers to help foster students in thinking more critically about how they are working with these topics.

How do you prank teachers?

the biggest prank you can play on one is come to class ready to learn. set and listen and participate. That will FREAK them out!

Which class maths come in bba entrance?

classes from 8th to 11th grade Maths comes in BBA entrance examination.

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One way might be to introduce the concept, give some examples, then see how many the students can come up with. Write their examples on the board as they do.

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Depends on the classroom.The largest single class I've had was ninety students in a public primary school. I've given speeches and lectures to over ninety students but that was not a recurring class.Public schools have larger class sizes. Primary schools may have 30, 60, or over 70 students in a class depending on how "prestigious" and "exclusive" the school is considered to be.Private schools often use small class sizes as a selling point: most English training schools will have fifteen students or less in one classroom. I've rarely come across twenty students in a foreigner-taught classroom.

Should students have right to come to class late?

Yes a student have right to come to class late because there are many reasons it's traffic,there's an emergency,wake up late and etc. Each person w/ different proffesion,family,year,etc. Have right to do something

There are 56 students that make 70 percent of the class. How many students in all?

don't know if this is a 'test', or you actually want to know! anyway, here is the answer and how you come to it. You have 70% of the class (as 56 students)- to get 70% up to the 100%, you need to divide 100 by 70 (because 70multiplied bythat amount = 100). This comes to approx 1.42857142857. multiply that by 56 on your calculator and that comes to a lovely 80 students

What should I pack in my high school bag?

The school would normally tell you what you need to bring, but generally you would take: 2 pens and pencils, a notepad, ruler, calculator, drink, food, deodorant (you never know how useful it can be XD), and you may also need a USB storage device, aswell as a PE kit on some days. You might want take some colouring pencils/pens and another drawing pad for doodling.You will probably not be starting any lessons in any of your classes on the first day. Teachers normally go over the rules, some basics, a class overview, and what supplies you will need.It is good you are thinking ahead and some of the supplies listed above are correct, but you will also need lots of binder paper and a binder. In the high school classes I teach I find students come without the proper supplies. Usually at the start of each year a list is put out by the schools and sent to stores. One of the things I notice is the lack of organization by students so get folders for each class to keep assignments in and directions for assignments. A calendar will also help you for class assignments and due dates. If you get organized early you will be doing what you need to be doing.

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Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from the lowest economic class. Is asking, "From what economic class did Harriet Tubman come from?" a more emphatic way of posing the question than, "What economic class did H.T. come from?", or "From what economic class did H.T. come?" More emphatic yet would be, "From what economic class did Harriet Tubman come from, from, from...?"