1.21 as a mix number
MIX means 1009.
No, never mix tire sizes.
Combine is the synonym of mix and the antonym of seperate.
no, in the case of polar and nonpolar the two do not mix it's like putting olive oil in milk
Cachaca, chambord, elderflower cordial and top with cava!
A batida is a Brazilian cocktail made from cachaca, fruit juice, and sugar.
Caipirinha is Brazil's national cocktail. To make a Caipirnha, you simply need cachaca, sugar, and lime. If you don't have cachaca (sugar cane and hard alchohol), you can use vodka in its place.
Aguardiente & Cachaca.
A caipirinha is a traditional Brazilian drink prepared with cachaca, lime juice, sugar, and ice.
It is a Brazilian liquor distilled from the juice of unrefined sugarcane juice. It is one of the most popular drinks in Brazil, second only to beer. Caipirinha is made of cachacha.
Brazil's national cocktail, Capirinha can be made from cachaca (a suger cane drink), sugar, and lime. It is normally served with ice and loosely translates as "country bumpkin".
Cane Rum or simply rum.. i'd know.. coz i come from an island that produces loads of sugar frome sugar canes:)
There doesn't seem to be many. On Wikipedia's listing of cocktails, the only Q is the Quentão, which means "very hot. It's a warm Brazilian cocktail mixing cachaca and spices. It's definitely a regional drink, as it's hard to even acquire cachaca outside of Brazil.On the cocktail database Drinksmixer, this is where all of the Q cocktails are:http://www.drinksmixer.com/cat/298/92/Lots of things starting with Queen or Quick, but nothing that'd I'd call well-known.
Triple sec. It is made with 3 parts tequila to one part triple sec.
Soil is a mixture and it is not a compound because it doesn't have any particles that you can pick out of it.
f = 32 + 20 X 9/5 = 68