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Q: What to say to someone you haven't seen in 20 years?
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You have to talk to him or someone he knows don't just flat out say i like you take time to get to re know him because he could have changed

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I no how you feel. Technically he is still your BLOOD relative, but things are a little different considering you havent seen him in 10 years. Legal guardian, i would say no.

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well they havent yet but, some people say that they have seen Kevin at the Hilton in Waikoloa, Hawaii. OMG I LOVE THEM! well they havent yet but, some people say that they have seen Kevin at the Hilton in Waikoloa, Hawaii. OMG I LOVE THEM!

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I think when each of you make it known that yall are a couple, you can say you miss that person, even if you havent seen the other person in only a little while. Its kind of a term of endearment for me and my lady

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Talk about it with someone you can trust and eventually you should discuss it with your mom.

Is it proper English to say I have never seen you wore or worn it before?

Actually neither.there is " I've never seen you wear it before".you may be thinking of : you have never worn that before. Or maybe: you havent wore that before.

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it means that if you say someone killed someone and someone seen you killed that proson and you have prof that is what you evidence.

How do you say im 13 years old?

You can say it simply, as good as someone has said in the question. Otherwise, there are many ways to say it. I am 13. I have seen 13 springs/summers/winters. I am two lesser than 15. and many more...

How do you get my crush when i know he likes me but we are both shy i know he wants me too he told me but we both havent managed to get it together yet?

Just say what you need to say. Someone has to have some guts. Go for it!

What do you do if your crush is in love with someone else?

Well if you havent talked to her/him before hand about your feelings. Then maybe you should do so but if you did...only thing i gotta say is move on.

Need To Write A Letter To My Dad. Not seen him in 13 years. what do i put?

its good that you are willing to write to your dad, to be honest, it would be more prudent to know why you havent seen him in 13 years, did he leave you?are you an adult?was there an argument? you could say. Hi(insert dad or if you call him by first name, some folks do) i know we havent seen each other in a long time, and i have been thinking about you i hope you are doing well, (insert what you have been doing since then, relationships,events, marriages, kids, school, etc) how have you been? maybe we could get together sometime or if you feel comfortable we could exchange emails or phone calls this is very basic, like i said the topics can change depending on the relationship you have with him i wish you luck!