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These are a list of the main tools you will need: Water samplers; bottom samples; messengers; animal/plant samplers; dissecting microscope; telescope; compound microscope; satellite; electron miscroscope; thermometer; oxygen probe; chemical test kit; visibility and color; sounder (lead line); fathometer; surveying equipment; hydrometer set; chemical test (Knudsen); salinometer; pHchemical test kit; pH meter; current meter; dye; drogues; drift bottles and drift cards.

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Q: What tools are used in oceanography?
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What tool are used for oceanography?


What is the study of oceans called?


Types of oceanography?

Oceanographers study the patterns and chemical properties in the ocean. Some types of oceanography include physical oceanography, geological oceanography, chemical oceanography, and biological oceanography.

What are two branches of oceanography?

geological oceanography biological oceanography

What is the name given for the study of oceans?

Oceanography, also called oceanology or marine science.

What is the special area of question 6 across that deals with waves and currents?

That special area is called oceanography, which focuses on studying the physical and biological aspects of the ocean, including waves, currents, and tides. Oceanographers use various tools and technologies to analyze ocean dynamics and ecosystems, helping to understand and predict changes in marine environments.

What is the study of Earth's water called?

Hydrology is the study of the Earth's water. Hydrology includes geohydrology, limnology, oceanography, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, biological oceanography, geological oceanography and paleoceanography, amongst other Earth Sciences.

What type of technology is used to study the ocean?

That would be Oceanography I believe.

What is satellite imagery used for?

Satellite imagery is used for various purposes such as mapping, monitoring environmental changes, land use planning, disaster response, agriculture monitoring, infrastructure development, and military intelligence gathering. It provides a valuable tool for observing the Earth's surface from a remote perspective.

What is prefix for Oceanography?

The prefix for Oceanography is "ocean-".

What are five tools they use to monitor weather changes?

Weather satellites: Orbiting satellites provide real-time data on cloud cover, temperatures, and weather patterns. Radar systems: Ground-based radar stations can detect precipitation, storm movement, and severe weather events. Weather balloons: These instruments are launched into the atmosphere to collect data on temperature, humidity, and air pressure at different altitudes. Weather stations: On-the-ground stations monitor local conditions like temperature, wind speed, and precipitation. Computer models: Meteorologists use sophisticated computer programs to analyze data and make predictions about future weather patterns.

What has the author Alan P Trujillo written?

Alan P. Trujillo has written: 'Essentials of oceanography' -- subject(s): Oceanografi 'Essentials of oceanography' -- subject(s): Oceanography 'Essentials of oceanography' -- subject(s): Oceanography