Since the numbers astronomers use are often very large or very small, they frequently use scientific notation to describe sizes and sentences in the universe.
some tool were not machine guns, computer and boots
The device that astronomers use to find the angle between the horizon and stars in the sky is called a sextant.
Astronomers and astrologers were the ancient numerical calculators. their intellectual works had major influence and motivation for advances in mathematics. The traditional astrologer community "Ganaka" was the real mathematicians of ancient Kerala. Non European roots of mathematics extends up to them. Their lore was later learned by many other classes.
they use tools.
tools like radio and telescope and camera.
what tools did they use inside the tombs
There were no telescopes prior to 1608, so no "ancient" astronomers ever used one.
what are household slave tools in ancient sumer
many hand tools
they use arrows
the ancient egyptians used metals, gold and wood for their tools they are like the cavemen but the cavemen never had gold
One of them were a Hoe.
EARLY astronomers primarily used mathematics; that's why so many "early astronomers" are described as "mathematician and astronomer". Until the invention of the telescope in the early 1600's, there were no astronomical tools beyond the octant.
the ancient maya
There were no astronomers in Ancient Greece, at that time there were only astrologers.