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Q: What tools do lords use every day?
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Did both Paleo and Neo Ages use stone tools?

Yes! Absolutely! Both of them used stone tools for hunting nearly every day.

What tools did lords use in Medieval Times use?

lords used bunch of different tools in the past just think they didn't have a pen so they used a cup[ of ] ink and a feather like Harry Potter hahaha.... sorry inside joke ////// hahaha/'//, so just think about that. K bye

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they mine for a long time almost every day, they use heavy digging tools, and they mostly mine in the dark.

What are examples of 2 ways people use science every day?

You use science in different ways such as 1. It is around you everyday. 2. You use science tools everyday too.

How did early men invent and fashions their tools?

The early men invented tools in order to satisfy the needs of his every day life. Stone tools found in China have been evaluated for the time of their use and have been placed in the range of 1,3 million years ago. The use of metal tools coinsided with the implementation of agriculture circa 4000 BCE.

How do you develop a team with vision?

Write out your goals. Look at it every day. Make a list of tools that will help you reach them and use them. Then work towards your goal. Be committed to your goal.

What did colonial children use for tools?

Colonial children children used wooden tools like: forks,spoons,and every everyday tools and they were all wooden.

What tools did the lords use in Medieval times?

lords used bunch of different tools in the past just think they didn't have a pen so they used a cup[ of ] ink and a feather like Harry Potter hahaha.... sorry inside joke ////// hahaha/'//, so just think about that. K bye

Do people use stone tools in day to day life?

I have lived among third world peoples and never seen any using stone tools.

What are two system of measurement in use in every day life?

You probably use metric and imperial in your every day life.

What jobs use angles every day?

yes architcts use angles every day when building blue prints for buildings

How do you use what lords in a sentence?

It is highly likely that we will always wonder what lords will desire next.