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Q: What tourist can expect in accommodation facilities with 123 and4stars?
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The approximate cost that one should expect to pay for an Airlie Beach accommodation would be anywhere from $150 to $300 per night. Extra expenses can up the price per night to at least $500.

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You might expect to find agriculture or tourism industries near volcanoes due to fertile soil created by volcanic ash and the appeal of volcanoes as tourist attractions. Additionally, geothermal energy production facilities may be present to harness energy from the heat within the Earth's crust.

How do you use accommodate in a sentence?

The word "accommodation" is the noun form of the word "accommodate. " An example of a sentence using the word "accommodation" is "It is a 5-star hotel that offers every accommodation you would expect of the very best establishments. "

How crowded will Disneyland be on the week of April 11-19?

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It really means what you mean by recreation. There are parks, museums, art galleries, tourist sites and just about all the recreations you would expect.

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You can expect many amentiies. Some include a private spa, salon, sauna, swimming pool, and other water facilities depending on the location.

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