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Q: What trampoline that can hold up to 6 people and that is a less price?
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How many people a trampoline per year?

See this Question is Answer less because many thousands , billions of people Trampoline so no one can find it...]

Is friction needed on a trampoline?

Friction is not needed on a trampoline for it to function properly. In fact, reducing friction can help improve the bounce and performance of the trampoline by allowing for smoother movements and less resistance.

What would happen to the quantity of money people wish to hold when there is a decrease in the price level?

It would decrease, if there are lower prices, than people would naturally demand less of it. This is the quantity theory of money Money Demand= Price level*Income/Velocity of Money, what is important here is that Price level is in the numerator, so when it decreases the total quantity of money decreases as well.

What is price less discount?

Price less Discount = Discounted price/Reduced price/Sale price.

You have been on the trampoline now for about 2 weeks and your belly hasn't gone down what do you do?

Why would you jumping on the trampoline make my belly go down? You will probably also need to eat less and be more patient.

Is a rectangle trampoline bouncier than a round one?

No, less bouncy actually. I think?? :? :) :P :D

What are factors that would affect demand?

Change in Consumer Price Expectations: If people expect the price to go up later, they'll buy more now and less later. If they expect the price to go down, they'll buy less now and more later.Change in Consumer Income: If people make more money, they can buy more goods.Change in Consumer Tastes: If people like a good more based on advertising or experience, they'll buy more. If they like it less, they'll buy less.Change in Number of Consumers in the Market: If there are more people buying things, there will be more demand. If there are less people to buy things, there will be less demand.Change in Price of a Substitute Good: If the price of a substitute good, or something you buy instead of something else, goes down, you'll buy less of the original good and more of the substitute.Change in Price of a Complementary Good: If the price of a complementary good, or something you need/use with another, goes up, you'll buy less of the original good. Example: If DVD's rise in price, people will buy less DVD players.

Why do composite bats hit farther than aluminum?

The composite bats have a trampoline like affect that give the ball more distance. Aluminum is more stiff and has less of a trampoline affect than a composite bat would.

Which tennis strings are best for accuracy?

Tight strings give better accuracy. There is less bounce in the strings, so less trampoline effect, making your shot more accurate, but less powerful.

Why is medicine price inelastic?

I assume you mean the DEMAND for medicine, not its supply.It's because a small increase in price doesn't get people to stop taking their medicine. A LARGE increase in price, however, will lead to people taking less.

How can consumers influence or affect the price of goods or services?

supply and demand. If more people want it, it is in greater demand thus the price is more; if less people want it, the opposite is true.

Why demand curve downward slopping?

The demand curve is plotted with quantity on the horizontal axis and price on the vertical. As the price of a good increases, people will want/be able to purchase less of it. If the price decreases, the quantity people will buy more.