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Both the arrows will cover equal horizontal distance as their angles are at an difference from 45 degree. Horizontal range is maximum at 45 degrees and decreases equally on sum or difference of an angle from 45. But vertical distance increases on addition of an angle from 45 and decreases on subtraction of angle from it. For more details, contact at

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Q: What travels farther and arrow shot at a 30 degree angle or 60 degree angle?
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Does the angle that an arrow is shot effect how far it travels?


What is the correct angle of throwing a javelin?

The correct angle of throwing a javelin is 45 degree.The physics concept behind this is known as impulse.According to this law if an object is thrown at an angle of 45 degree it travels much range(horizontal distance) than throwing at any other angle this law not only applies for javelin but also for firing an cannon or shooting a gun on an arrow into the space.

Can you give a sentence using Farther?

The walk to him farther than he expected. The arrow travelled a lot farther then needed.

Why does an arrow need feathers?

so the arrow will spin and fly straight. P.S. it makes it fly farther.

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Yes the STX Arrow will fit on the 2 degree Crankshaft

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Does an arrow have an obtuse angle?

It need not, but can have at most one.

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A poisoned arrow was the last and, for him the most important.

Which way is north east?

Northeast is located at a 45-degree angle between north and east. It is usually depicted on a map with an arrow pointing to the upper right corner.

Do different size arrow shoot farther?

Most definately. The length the arrow flies is also affect by the vanes or fletchings on the arrow, the smaller the less drag, but the weather is one of the major factors of course.

What is a line with an arrow at one end going up?

a line with an arrow at one end going up is a right angle