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Q: What triangle has all corners equal?
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What is a eqiulateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal. An example is a triangle with 60o in all three corners.

How many corners dose an isosceles triangle have?

all triangles have three corners. An isosceles triangle also has two sides and atwo angles that are equal.

A shape that has 3 equal c0rners?

Many shapes with three or more corners satisfy the condition. All triangles have 3 corners but not such that they are all equal. One which does is the equilateral triangle. A square and rectangle each have four corners, and by definition also have at least 3 equal corners. A trapezoid and parallelogram each has four corners but have pairs of obtuse and acute angles and so cannot satisfy the condition.

How many corners does a triangle have?

3 All triangles have 3 corners which are their vertices and it is the plural of vertex.

How many square corners does a triangle have?

All triangles have three sides and three corners

Smallest number of corners of all of the shapes?


Why the equilateral triangle an acute angels?

the three corners of a triangle always equal 180° , so the angles have to be 60 ° and 60 is an acute angle.

What are the differences between a triangle and an octagon?

Triangle has 3 sides, 3 vertices (corners) whose interior angles add up to 180. Octagon has 8 sides, 8 vertices, whose interior angles add up to 1080 degrees. A regular triangle (all sides equal, all angles equal), has interior angles of 60 degrees. A regular octagon (all sides equal all angles equal), has interior angles of 135.

How many corners does a right triangle have?

A right triangle has 3 corners, or vertices.

How do you classify an equilateral triangle?

When all three sides of the triangle are the same length. Additionally, all three corners of the triangle will be the same size as well.

What is the name of a triangle that equals 60 degrees?

There are no triangles that equal 60 degrees, but a triangle with three 60 degree corners is called an equilateral trangle.

How many corner does an isosceles triangle have?

An Isosceles triangle, like all triangles has three vertices (corners).