

What tusk is about 3 feet long?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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the mammoth or elephant

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Q: What tusk is about 3 feet long?
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A tusk is a long?

There teeth are 3 feet in height

How long is a walrus tooth?

a bulls (males) tusk is four feet long and a cows (females) tusk s two feet long

How long is the longest narwhal tusk?

20 feet long.

How big are mammoths tusk?

Up to 16 feet long

How long are mountain goats tusk?

They are not tusks, they are horns. Mature male horns may reach about 3-4 feet long if the horn was straight, mature ewe horns may be about 2 feet long.

Why are narwhals dangerous?

Narwhals are not considered dangerous to humans. They are gentle marine mammals that primarily feed on fish and squid. They are not known to be aggressive towards people unless they are provoked or feel threatened.

How long is a narwhal's tusk?

A narwhal's tusk can grow up to about 10 feet in length, but typically ranges between 6 to 9 feet. The tusk is actually a long, spiraled canine tooth that can weigh up to 22 pounds.

What are the release dates for Tusk Tusk - 1960?

Tusk Tusk - 1960 was released on: USA: 3 April 1960

Which whale lives in the Arctic Ocean and has long ivory tusk?

The Narwhal has a long ivory tusk.

How many meters in length are narwhals?

from 3 to 5 meters long not including the tusk

How long is the average narwhale?

The narwhal tusk tends to measure 2-3 meters/7-10 feet in length. It tends to weigh 10 kilograms/22 pounds. This compares with a body length that measures 4-6 meters/13-16 feet, without the tusk. This also compares with a total body weight of 1,600 kilograms/3,500 pounds. The female tends not to have a tusk, and tends to weigh 1,000 kilograms/2,200 pounds.

How long are a wooly mammoths tusks?

Up to 15.67 feet long longer than the average elephants trunk