The word form is: four and two hundred ninety-two millionths.
In word form, 2.00 is two point zero zero.
42 = forty-two
22.72 is written in word form as twenty-two point seven two.
The word form of 2.005 is two and five thousandths.
The word wish does not have a lot of adjectives to relate with. However two examples of adjectives for this word are : wishful, and wishless.
tall personfat persontall and fat would be the adjectives
Yes, the word 'your' and the word 'his' are both possessive adjectives.
There are exceptions, but in most cases the superlative form of multi-syllabic adjectives is formed by putting the word "most" before the adjective.
The word 'happiest' is an adjective; the superlative form of the adjective 'happy' (happier, happiest). There are three types of adjectives: -Normal adjectives -Comparative adjectives, comparing only out of two things -Superlative adjectives, comparing three or more things. For bad, it would be: -Bad -Worse -Worst.
Adjectives describe nouns other word don't describe adjectives. So there are no adjectives being described in the sentence but two, sales and green are adjectives.They describe the people and the bike.
well-storey building
to make the comparative form you add -er. you say - bigger thanto make the superlative form you add -est. you say - the biggest
There are two adjectives rooted in the word 'mandible'. mandibular and mandibulate