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Q: What two birds that are smaller than the robin?
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Is robins a proper noun?

Yes, the word robin is a noun, the word robins is the plural form; a word for two or more birds; a word for two or more things.

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The two countries that are smaller in land area than Antarctica is Australia, and Europe

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1 millimeter is 10x smaller than a centimeter, 100x smaller than a decimeter and 1000x smaller than a meter.

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There are many countries that are smaller than Ireland. Luxembourg and Belgium are two examples of countries that are smaller than Ireland.

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No. If you look at the two number closely, you can see that two sixths is actually one third, which is smaller than two thirds.

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The two is smaller than a queen.

What does it mean when two baby wild birds a robin and a mockingbird of different species comes and sits next to you in the same day?

It means that you were sitting as still as a statue.

Is 2.1 smaller than 2.12?

Yes it is... it is two hundredths (or one fiftieth) smaller.