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Q: What two challenges make Jerusalem a difficult and ldquopuzzle and to put together?
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Is Jerusalem in Mesopotamia?

No. Jerusalem is in the Levant Region. The Levant Region and Mesopotamia together constitute the Fertile Crescent, so while Jerusalem is not in Mesopotamia, it is in the Fertile Crescent.

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"The Two Brothers" teaches that cooperation and unity can overcome challenges and lead to success. The story highlights the importance of working together, valuing each other's strengths, and being supportive in difficult times.

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The Big Brain Theory is a television show that aired on the Discovery Channel, featuring contestants competing in engineering challenges to showcase their problem-solving skills. It tests their abilities in designing and building innovative solutions to complex problems.

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Why didn't the Christians have access to Jerusalem?

The Saladin conquerors of Jerusalem cut off access to the city after the Christians welched on a deal they had made together. The Pope was angry, and called for the First Crusade.

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Teammates often develop strong bonds because they must work together to achieve a common goal. The shared experiences, challenges, and successes they face create a sense of unity and camaraderie. This bond is further strengthened by the trust, support, and collaboration required to navigate through difficult situations together.

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"Stay beside you and walk with" typically refers to providing support, companionship, and encouragement through challenges or difficult times. It implies being there for someone both physically and emotionally, offering assistance and solidarity in navigating life's journey together.

The atoms of two different elements react together to form a compound why is it difficult to separate the two elements when this has happened?

because they are chemically joined together and it is difficult to separate them

Is Armagedon real?

Yes, it is a valley north of Jerusalem, the place where the two huge armies will be gathered together to battle.

How did they conquer Jerusalem?

Jerusalem was under British Mandate control until 1947. On November 1947 the Jordanian army together with Arab legion ocupied the east part of the city. the west part remain under the brithish control until the establishing of The State Of Israel in 1948. The Jordanian were shoting on daily basis from East Jerusalem (in their control) to the West Jerusalem (in Israeli control). Also, in 1949 Armistice Agreements Jordan promised to let the Jews pray in the Western Wall (the most holly place for Jews in the world) under their control in East Jerusalem. promise that they never fulfill. In 1967 war ('Six Day War') Israel occupied East Jerusalem together with Samaria and Judah. Since then united Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Where do Shane and Josh live in Cowboys Don't Cry?

In the book "Cowboys Don't Cry" by Marilyn Halvorson, Shane and Josh live on a farm in Alberta, Canada. Their family faces challenges and difficult decisions as they try to hold onto their land and keep their family together.