4421 comes before 4422, which comes before 4423.
The numbers are 110 & 111.These are consecutive because when we count 111 comes immediately after 110. 110 is less than 110.8 (by 0.8) and 111 is greater (by 0.2).
Speaking in terms of whole numbers, 3 comes after 2 and before 4.
4421 comes before 4422, which comes before 4423.
The numbers are 110 & 111.These are consecutive because when we count 111 comes immediately after 110. 110 is less than 110.8 (by 0.8) and 111 is greater (by 0.2).
And they are the ONLY consecutive prime numbers because if you have one prime number (i.e. 29), then there always is an even number right after the prime number (i.e. 30 comes right after 29), and consecutive means "right next to," right? And we all know that even numbers can always be divided in half, so 2 and 3 are the only consecutive prime numbers.
It is: 1000 because they are all consecutive cubed numbers
There's no such thing as one consecutive digit. There has to be at least two of them.When you count, consecutive digits are numbers that you name in a row, with nothing else between them.Examples:34 and 35 are consecutive. There's no counting number between them.97 and 98 are consecutive. There's no counting number between them.62 and 64 are not consecutive, because 63 comes between them.
Speaking in terms of whole numbers, 3 comes after 2 and before 4.
Negative numbers, possibly. And, by the way, there is no such word as "gazillion".
Leviticus (or however you spell that) comes before Numbers! :-) Why do you ask?
There are 25 prime numbers before 100.