the difference between a two dimensional shape and and a solid is that a two dimensional shape is plane and a solid you can see the whole shape a the inside.
If two sides are parallel and the other two aren't, the shape is a trapezoid.
a polygon means a shape with angles. a two sided shape doesnt exist. you need three sides to make a shape.
No shape can have two corners
how do you draw a trapezoid two ways
Africa and South America.
they repel each other
Africa and South America have a similar physical shape due to their east-west elongation, with a bulge in the middle. They both have diverse landscapes, including coastal areas, tropical rainforests, and mountain ranges.
Check out the link below, calculate pool contents
They are simaler because the are mamals
ectotherms because how they react is simaler to their functions but reptiles are enthoderms
Size, shape, position, colour and contents should do fine.
because a nickel is 0.05 of a dollar
the existence of bigfoot, space shuttles, and probing
It isn't. The Nerf Longstrike, however, looks simaler, and is out.
No. But they are very simaler since they are both made from wheat.
Not at all - the first was a foreign invasion, the second internal warfare.