Well, honey, you write eight million and six as 8,000,006. That's it, plain and simple. No need to beat around the bush with this one.
It is six million.
there is no such thing. there is six million five hundred, 6,000,500, six million 6,000,000, and, there is five hundred million 500,000,000
7,600,000seven million, six hundred thousand.
It depends what country you are in. If you are in the US, that is "thirty-six billion, one hundred and forty-nine million" For some other countries, it is "thiry-six thousand one hundred and forty-nine million".
About six million.
around six million
There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories.
66,666,666.67 people sixty six million, six hundred and sixty six thousand, six hundred and sixty six and 2/3
The six biggest Spanish-speaking countries by population are: Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela.
Because at the time there were six million people in New York City.
2 million
There are 14 countries in the world with populations of more than 80 million people. Those countries include: # China (1.3 billion) # India (1.1 billion) # United States (305 million) # Indonesia (231 million) # Brazil (187 million) # Pakistan (164 million) # Bangladesh (159 million) # Nigeria (148 million) # Russia (142 million) # Japan (128 million) # Mexico (107 million) # Philippines (89 million) # Vietnam (87 million) # Germany (82 million) Ethiopia is quickly approaching the 80 million mark with 79 million, as is Egypt with 75 million.
Six thousand, six hundred million (6,600,000,000) is a number. Many people would refer to it as 6.6 billion.
about six million.
Approximately 1.5 million.
Approxiamately six million people are born share a birthday so if you were born on that day you share your birthday with about six million people.