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The two disclaimers or apologies the narrator makes are not to blame him for reporting the exact words and deeds of his pilgrims, many of whom are crude and vulgar and may bring offense to his readers.

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Q: What two disclaimers or apologies does the narrator make in lines 745-766 What authority does he cite in support of his honesty?
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In Sonnet 130, the narrator expresses that his mistress' speech is not as melodious or flattering as traditional poetic descriptions would suggest. Instead, he appreciates her honesty and authenticity, valuing her realness over superficial flattery.

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What part of speech is honesty in the sentence The best policy is honesty?

Honesty is a noun.

Can you give me 5 complex sentences with the word honesty?

Honesty is a good choice to make. Honesty is the antonym of lying. Honesty is the right thing to do. Honesty is NOT lying. Honesty should be the first thing you should think of 1st.

What do you know about the narrator in The Great Gatsby?

The narrator of "The Great Gatsby" is Nick Carraway. He is a character in the novel who serves as both a participant and an observer of the events unfolding around him. Nick is known for his reliability and honesty in recounting the story of Jay Gatsby and the other characters in the book.

What is the verb for honesty?

A verb for honesty is honest. As in the action "to be honest".