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Q: What two even number can be added together to get the sum of 62?
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What 2 even numbers added together to make the sum be odd?

The sum of two even number is always even. So there are no such numbers.

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No two prime numbers added together have a sum of 97. All primes except the number 2 are odd numbers, and two odd numbers added together always produce an even sum.

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If a positive and negative number are added together, and the positive number has a greater value, the sum will be positive.

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The numbers that are added together are called addends. They add together to make the sum.

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There are never 3 even numbers that add up to an odd number because all of the numbers are even so the result/sum will have to be an even number.

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There are none. Two odd numbers added together equal a even number.

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The sum is the total when numbers are added together, the product is the total when they are multiplied.

What a number being added to another number?

A number being added to another number is called an addend. The total of the numbers added together is called the sum.

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