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Average speed during a period of time =

(distance traveled during the time) divided by (length of the time period)

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Q: What two factoers are used to calculate average speed?
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Which equation is used to calculate the train's average speed?

The equation used to calculate average speed is distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel that distance. It is represented as: Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.

What is total distance and total time used to calculate?

Average speed.

The formula used to calculate average speed?

The formula for calculating average speed is: Average speed = Total distance / Total time Where: Total distance is the total distance traveled in a certain amount of time. Total time is the total amount of time it takes to travel the total distance. For example, if you travel 100 miles in 2 hours, your average speed would be 50 miles per hour. Average speed = 100 miles / 2 hours = 50 miles per hour Average speed can be used to calculate the speed of a car, a bike, a person, or any other object that is moving. It can also be used to calculate the speed of a process, such as the speed at which a computer program is running. Here are some examples of how average speed can be used: A driver wants to know how long it will take to travel from one city to another. They can use the average speed of their car to calculate the travel time. A runner wants to know how fast they are running. They can use a stopwatch to measure their time over a certain distance, and then use the average speed formula to calculate their speed. A company wants to know how long it takes to produce a certain number of products. They can use the average speed of their production line to calculate the production time. Average speed is a simple but useful tool that can be used to measure the speed of objects and processes.

What two factors are used to calculate average speed?

Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The two factors used are distance and time.

What is useful to calculate an object's average speed when it does not travel?

When an object is stationary and does not travel, calculating its average speed is not useful since there is no displacement or time taken to travel. Average speed is typically used to measure how fast an object moves over a period of time, which does not apply to a stationary object.

What formula is used to calculate motion?

You can use a graph to calculate speed.

Which measurements would not be used to solve for average speed?

There are too many measurements that wouldn't have to be made in order to calculate an average speed. The only measurements that would matter in the most general example are the distance travelled and the time it took.

What units are used to measure avg speed?

Any speed is distance covered/time to cover the distance .Whenever you calculate a speed using this definition, the answer you getis the average speed during the time it took to cover the distance.The same units are used to describe any speed, whether it's average orinstantaneous speed.(any unit of length)/(any unit of time) is a perfectly good unit of speed.

Given two speeds how do you find the average?

If both speeds are used for the same amount of time, the average speed is just the sum of the two speeds divided by 2. If one speed is used for a longer time than another, you will have to calculate the total distance traveled for each speed (speed x time), and then divide by the total time (add the times).

How can the average speed of an object be used to determine an unmeasured distance?

By dividing the total distance traveled by the object by the time it took to travel that distance, you can calculate the average speed. Once you have the average speed, you can then multiply it by the time taken to find the distance traveled.

What sensor is used to calculate the speed of car?

The speedometer.

What is speed reading used for?

Speed reading is used to read information at rates faster the average reading speed AND at comprehension and understanding levels better than the average.