Fractions are not whole numbers. They are fractions. You can call a fraction a whole number, but that doesn't make it one.
complex fractions can be multiplied when you have two fractions multiplied and equal a whole number.
It can be but need not be.
add or subrition
The sum of two numbers is a whole number if both of the numbers are whole numbers, or if the sum of two fractions can be simplified to a whole number.
It is to change the whole into fractions
Fractions are not whole numbers. They are fractions. You can call a fraction a whole number, but that doesn't make it one.
complex fractions can be multiplied when you have two fractions multiplied and equal a whole number.
No. Each mixed number is made of a whole number and a fraction. When you add them, you have the sum of two whole numbers and two fractions. Since each whole number must be at least ' 1 ', the sum of two whole numbers must be at least ' 2 ', and the two fractions will always make it more than ' 2 '.
It can be but need not be.
It is a prime number. And the appropriate word is factors, not fractions.
add or subrition
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
1 half plus 1 half equals a whole
The sum of two numbers is a whole number if both of the numbers are whole numbers, or if the sum of two fractions can be simplified to a whole number.
The sum of two fractions will only be a whole number if the fractions have a common denominator. When the denominators are different, the sum will be a fraction with a different denominator, making it impossible to be a whole number. Thus, estimating the sum of two fractions will generally result in a fraction, not a whole number.
Ok, first you take whatever numbers you're using and put them into fractions of a whole. After that, turn the fractions into percentages by dividing. Next, make a circle and take the fractions and make them into parts of the whole circle. The measurements usually do not need to be perfect.