If we know the distance something has moved, and the time it took to move there, we can calculate average speed by dividing the distance by the time.
If a truck went 60 miles in 2 hours, it averaged 60/2 miles per hour, or 30 miles per hour.
The mean is the average. The daily mean would be the average of all the measurements made on a particular day.
Multiply the length measurement by the width measurement and this will give you the area in SQFT if your measurements of length and width were made in feet.
They cannot be because of errors that can be made by the measurer, calibration of instruments.
the answer is just before the hypothesis is made.
Equivalent measurement are measurements of the same characteristic which are made using two different units. For example, 20 deg C and 68 deg F are equivalent measurements.
There are too many measurements that wouldn't have to be made in order to calculate an average speed. The only measurements that would matter in the most general example are the distance travelled and the time it took.
Olaus Roemer discovered the finite speed of light in the late 17th century. He observed that the time it took for light to travel from Jupiter to Earth varied as the distance between the two planets changed, leading him to calculate a rough estimate of the speed of light. This discovery laid the foundation for later, more precise measurements of the speed of light.
The mean is the average. The daily mean would be the average of all the measurements made on a particular day.
Multiply the length measurement by the width measurement and this will give you the area in SQFT if your measurements of length and width were made in feet.
measurements should be made precisely to ensure accuracy (:
Net words per minute is determined by measuring a typist's average gross speed in words per minute over a ten-minute period and subtracting the number of errors made during that period.
You might go at 50 mph for a while, then slow to 20 mph. Your instantaneous speed would be one of these two, depending on when you made the measurement. But your average speed over the distance would be somehwere between 50 and 20, depending on how long you went at each speed.
Measurements are made in units. The specific units that you would use depend upon what it is that you wish to measure. Practically anything can be measured.
The measurements are almost always correct when made by machines. An example would be a calculator.
Measurements are made every day. The Arctic sea ice minimum occurs in September.
They are made using appropriate tools or instruments.
Basically, anything that can be measured (or calculated on the basis of other measurements) in the world around us. All sorts of measurements can be made, for example you can measure or calculate an object's length, width, mass, weight, density, you can measure an electric current, a voltage, etc. - all of these are physical quantities.