No two prime numbers can add to 119.
1, 5, 7, 17, 119, and 595
7*17 = 119
They are: 62+82+19 = 119
3 and 119 7 and 51
1 and 7 will go into both the two given numbers
No two prime numbers can add to 119.
1, 5, 7, 17, 119, and 595
47 + 72 = 119.
I guess you mean: The LCM of two prime numbers is 119; what are the two prime numbers? 119 = 7 x 17 The two prime numbers are 7 and 17.
7*17 = 119
No. 119 is not evenly divisible by two.
Well honey, let me tell you, the number 1 and 119 are the only numbers that can go into 119 without leaving a remainder. It's like a one-sided relationship, ain't nobody else getting in there!
They are: 62+82+19 = 119
3 and 119 7 and 51
7 and 17